What Is EGF In Skincare?

The skincare industry is full of innovative remedies and powerful ingredients that have shaped the market for the better. In the age of information being available with a quick search on our smartphones, there seems to be no end in sight when it comes to the development of new formulations. Some of this research goes back decades and has only been expanded upon. One such ingredient has been pleasing scientists and skincare users since its discovery, a natural protein called epidermal growth factor (EGF).

What is Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)?

Growth factors are one of the most natural processes that occur in our bodies from birth. From birth to adulthood, our bodies produce these factors, which are signaling proteins that focus on skin replenishment and nourishment. When babies are born, they have unlimited amounts of growth factors, which is why their skin is often plump, smooth, and healthy.

Once we begin to reach maturity, particularly going into our 20s, the natural production of growth factors decreases, accelerating aging signs such as fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and sagging. The loss of these proteins leaves the body lacking to maintain thickness, denseness, and firmness in the skin.

There are different types of growth factors, epidermal growth factors being the second type to be properly identified in 1960 by a biochemist named Stanley Cohen. The first was nerve growth factor, discovered nearly a decade prior in 1952. EGF has been studied for decades and scientists continue to discover new information about the vital role this growth factor has on our skin.

Given its name, the epidermal growth factor, or EGF, is naturally found at the outermost layer of the skin’s surface, also known as the epidermis. It can also be found as deep as the dermis. EGF plays a pivotal role in the overall health and maintenance of the skin. It not only affects the skin’s appearance as we age but encourages the collagen and elastin in the dermis, essential proteins required for the longevity of healthy skin.


What Are the Skincare Benefits of EGF?

The primary benefits a user experiences when applying products containing EGF are increased skin tightness and the prevention of new aging signs from forming as well as the treatment of current ones. EGF also works to promote the presence of hyaluronic acid in the body, known for its ability to retain moisture in the skin, further preventing aging signs from appearing.

Many skincare users love EGF for its gentler nature, as it produces similar results as retinol but is less irritating to the skin. It is far less likely to produce unwanted side effects such as redness and irritation which some users may encounter while using retinol.

The epidermal growth factor can be found in many products, from serums to creams. Even better, it can be formulated with other noteworthy ingredients, making it simple to incorporate into any skincare regimen.

Can You Mix EGF With Other Ingredients?

Epidermal growth factors are a friend to several skincare ingredients, some of its best friends including hyaluronic acid and peptide formulas. While hyaluronic acid holds its weight in water and helps retain moisture in the skin, peptides reinforce the skin’s protective barrier. This ensures your skin is well-protected against free radicals throughout the day as well as during its repair cycle overnight. Furthermore, aging signs are treated with peptide formulas so that you are always a step ahead of fine lines or wrinkles from being created.

Our Peptide Complex Wrinkle Defense Eye Cream incorporates the natural epidermal growth factor protein as a core active ingredient in the powerhouse formula. Possessing a lightweight texture (always remember to apply products thinnest to thickest), this versatile eye cream can be used up to twice a day during both your AM and PM routines.

Blending well with other core ingredients such as Argireline™, Vitamin E, and heart leaf extract, the presence of EGF heavily promotes skin cell growth and rejuvenation in the epidermis. You will be ultimately graced with firm, smooth skin that leaves no traces of fine lines or wrinkles.


Conclusion: benefits of egf in skincare

From preventing aging signs to strengthening the skin’s protective barrier, the epidermal growth factor is full of benefits and capabilities that make it one of the best ingredients you can incorporate into your daily routine. It’s wise to begin implementing epidermal growth factors into your cycle as early as your mid-20s to get ahead of the decrease in the body’s natural production of this protein. By being compatible with so many other useful skincare ingredients and less irritating than stronger formulas such as retinol, there is little reason to say no to epidermal growth factors.