What is Astaxanthin good for?

Have you ever wondered why some sea creatures are pink? What is it that gives them their red or pinkish hue? It’s not random! This is due to the ketocarotenoid (high-value pigment) astaxanthin (pronounced “asta-xan-thin”) which also shares some of its chemical similarities with carotenes, concerning plant pigmentation. Full of antioxidant properties, curiosity surrounding the benefits of astaxanthin has only grown, particularly with skin care.

How can a pigment such as astaxanthin be so powerful and contribute so much to the skincare industry? Though much research on the ketocarotenoid is relatively new and discoveries are constantly being unraveled, there’s no doubt that this is an ingredient that is worth considering to incorporate into your daily routine.

What is Astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin is a naturally-occurring pigment that occurs in many living organisms, such as microalgae and yeast, as well as sea creatures like the Pacific salmon and shrimp. Algae is a food source for numerous sea animals, making the creatures that consume it full of the antioxidant properties astaxanthin is capable of. This is why you commonly see foods such as salmon on healthy food lists, as the fish is packed with antioxidants and skin benefits.

If you’re remotely aware of the foundations of skincare, one of the first steps to a well-formulated routine is the presence of antioxidants, which are essential in fighting free radicals that the body comes into contact with daily. Astaxanthin’s secret is its smaller molecular structure. Due to its size, it can cross the blood and brain barriers more effectively, as well as provide the body with increased protection, especially towards the brain and vital organs.  

Utilizing a formula with astaxanthin as an active ingredient, our Moisturizing Caviar Multi-Balm Stick takes this potent antioxidant one step further. By applying topically at least twice per day (in the morning and evening), you will begin to see immediate hydrating results, diminishing the appearance of fine lines.

Astaxanthin works at full capacity in the stick to simultaneously fight aging signs and improve skin texture and elasticity. Some conditions, such as crow’s feet, have even been noticed to dissipate over time. If you require a well-rounded component to add to the mix, look no further.

In recent studies that have been conducted, the effects of astaxanthin have been tested regarding its ability to improve blood flow, lower oxidative stress levels, and even assist in thwarting the growth of cancer cells. Due to the high costs of these tests, on cancer research, in particular, there continues to be a need for further investigation into the positive benefits of purified astaxanthin.


what are the Health Benefits of Astaxanthin?

While the notable health benefits of astaxanthin are typically discussed in the realm of cancer treatments, the marvel pigment is capable of much more. This is going to be a versatile new addition to your medicine cabinet.


  • Healthy Skin

One of the main factors for partaking in the astaxanthin craze is the wonders it will do for your skin. The antioxidant levels in the ketocarotenoid, when used topically or orally through supplements, aid your body in reversing the aging process. Smoother wrinkles, less defined and noticeable age spots, as well as improved moisture in the skin, are just a few of the differences you’ll notice when using astaxanthin.


  • Immune System Support

What’s a body without a healthy immune system? This is what essentially helps us to fight off infection and how we go about our daily lives in a world full of free radicals looking to harm our bodies and skin, from air pollution to dust.

Our body naturally stores immunoglobulin, which is a protein created by the immune system that plays a vital role in protecting us from harmful bacteria. By taking in more astaxanthin, the amount of immunoglobulin increases in production, further protecting the system from unwanted enemies.

In particular, astaxanthin has been found to help with white blood (T-cell) activation, which plays a pivotal role in combatting harmful diseases and infections that attack our bodies. The pigment also can reduce inflammation and the proteins that can produce inflammatory diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.


  • Increased Endurance

Astaxanthin might be the healthcare supplement you’re searching for. Though these tests have primarily been conducted on mice and not human subjects, endurance in mice and the use of the body’s fatty acids was ultimately boosted, as well as helping to prevent muscle and skeletal damage.

Further studies continue to be conducted to fully understand the full effect astaxanthin has when it relates to human endurance. Testing out the supplements in small doses is worth a try to see if you notice any major changes in your performance.

Aside from exercise and strength, studies are also being expanded upon to try and correlate astaxanthin to heart disease prevention. As more information continues to be released about the positive health benefits of astaxanthin, enhanced endurance performance plus cardiac health boosts could put this supplement at the top of the list for many who are looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


  • Protection from the Sun

When using astaxanthin orally, either in supplement or food form, it has the ability to further protect your skin’s barrier from the sun. Excess sunlight doesn’t only cause damage to the skin but can also cause DNA damage. With astaxanthin, your DNA can repair the cells that have been harmed, preventing further loss.

As astaxanthin accumulates in the skin’s epidermis and dermis layers, the carotenoid works to block skin penetration from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Ultimately, this will not only lessen the effects of the sun but can help to reduce existing signs from excess exposure.

Though it contains sun-protection properties, astaxanthin should never be used in place of sunscreen. By implementing both together, your skin will be well-armed and have a reinforced barrier to keep the sun’s rays at bay.


  • Relieves Joint Pain

Though research is still young on astaxanthin, it has the potential to help with pain from conditions involving the joints, which tends to get worse with age. Though still mixed on the full scale of benefits regarding this matter, it’s not a bad idea to test astaxanthin in small doses to help reduce inflammation for conditions including carpal tunnel and rheumatoid arthritis.

Health Risks & Side effects of astaxanthin?

As nothing is generally black or white, astaxanthin has its flaws that need to be taken into consideration. No single ingredient or method is ever going to work for everyone, especially when it comes to skincare. Weighing all your options will help you to make the right decision for the health of your skin and body.

Though it is generally recommended for people of all skin types, those who suffer from allergies (seafood in particular) should avoid any sources of astaxanthin from foods such as lobster, crab, and shrimp. The last thing you want to experience when treating your skin is an allergic reaction, which will only cause unwanted issues for your skin’s appearance.

It’s not recommended to use astaxanthin with blood pressure medications or while pregnant and breastfeeding. Astaxanthin has been found to react negatively with people who are being treated for high blood pressure, so it might not be the best resource in that circumstance.

If pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult with your doctor regarding any concerns you have about the antioxidant. Most likely, you will have to do without the benefits during the period in which you have to care for the baby’s developmental stages.


summary: what is astaxanthin and what does it do?

Aside from a few foes, astaxanthin is an ingredient that continues to impress researchers, as it is still in its infancy regarding skincare capabilities. Since much is still unknown about its full effectiveness, test patches are always a great place to begin when trying new products and formulas. In general, the pigment mixes well with most ingredients and other antioxidants, boosting the potency of Vitamin C and E.

Astaxanthin can be applied up to twice a day, being more effective orally rather than topically. Desired results will begin to show up anywhere from two to eight weeks. If anything appears abnormal or you have any questions, your physician should be able to handle any concerns.

Innovative research is only going to go deeper pertaining to astaxanthin's health benefits. Having been found to produce positive results for all genders and skin types, it would be no surprise for astaxanthin to become a staple in the industry, as well as your skincare collection.