Step By Step Guide : For Shaving Facial Hair For Women

Facial hair, also referred to as “peach fuzz” can be of no concern to you or you despise it each time it grows back thick enough that it can no longer be ignored. Societal and marketing expectations over the decades have emphasized the importance of sleek skin, particularly for women. Any trace of facial or body hair was considered more “masculine.”

There has been countless research produced regarding the different methods of shaving body hair. What used to only be accomplished manually is now possible with electric razors specifically made for tiers of shaving experiences, depending on how much you’re willing to spend.

Procedures and methods of handling body hair have come a long way since Hollywood icons such as Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor were famous for facial shaving. No matter what kind of experience you are looking to have, there are endless options available at your disposal.

Facial Hair Causes and Purpose

You might not be aware that our body contains two types of hair: terminal and vellus. Terminal hairs are the ones we can see more clearly, as these hairs tend to be darker and thicker, prevalent in areas such as the chin and upper lips. Vellus hairs are thin, fine hairs covering a majority of the face but are less noticeable.

Considered the most cost-effective and simple method of removing body hair, shaving has existed for centuries in varied forms. Its effects tend to last anywhere from a few days to a week, depending on each individual’s rate of hair growth.

Facial skin is quite different from the rest of the body and requires different care when shaving. Particularly for women, they have to treat facial hair differently from the other methods they are used to compared to men, such as shaving their underarms and legs.

While it is optional for women to treat facial hair or not, there are some cases where it can be required. These include conditions that cause excess hair growth as well as menopause, a period that occurs in every female’s later stage in life.


  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Though this syndrome has the potential to produce less frequent period cycles, it is also possible to cause periods that last several days. Each patient’s experience may show different symptoms. This condition typically occurs in the hormones during the reproductive years when there is excess androgen in the body.

A major symptom of too much androgen? You guessed it. Excess facial and body hair growth. This is also known as hirsutism.

During this reproductive process, small sacs of fluid develop along the outer edges of the ovaries. These fluid sacs are commonly known as cysts. Within these cysts, they contain immature eggs called follicles. These cysts prevent those eggs from being released.

Though the exact cause of the condition is yet to be determined, early diagnosis and treatment have the potential to lower the risk of any long-term complications attributed to the condition. These include life-changing diagnoses such as Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease.


  • Cushing’s Syndrome

When the body experiences high cortisol levels or the stress hormone, this can cause Cushing’s Syndrome to develop. Contrary to its nickname, cortisol helps the body deal with stress rather than cause stress itself. Cortisol is also essential in maintaining blood pressure and regulating blood sugar.

Common symptoms to look for when diagnosing Cushing’s Syndrome (important to note you should always consult a professional rather than self-diagnose at home) are fatty humps between the shoulders, a more rounded face, and purple or pink stretch marks that suddenly appear on the skin. Left untreated, this condition can lead to high blood pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, and bone loss.


  • Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

A group of genetic disorders that target the adrenal glands (the glands that produce steroid hormones, adrenaline, and noradrenaline), these glands also work to create cortisol. Located above the kidneys appearing as walnut-sized organs, women and young girls who experience CAH tend to experience early onset puberty, acne, excessive facial or body hair, and infertility.

Though the effects of CAH can be severe, there are medications available to those who need them. These prescription steroids work to replace the low levels of cortisol in adults. Children who are affected are typically prescribed hydrocortisone, a form of the cortisol hormone.


  • Menopause

Originating about a year after a woman’s final period, the menopausal transition of a female’s life tends to occur between ages 45 and 55. During this transition, women may experience changes in their monthly cycles and hot flashes.

During both the peri and menopause stages, women tend to experience excess hair growth on the chin, upper lip, ears, and sideburns. These hormonal changes as well as a reduction in estrogen production are the primary factors in these symptoms appearing.

How To Properly Shave Facial Hair :

STep by step guide


  • Cleanse the face

You should always start any facial regimen, whether it’s shaving or skincare application by thoroughly cleansing your face. This helps prepare your skin for the next step without further aggravating it. Gentle cleansers are typically recommended, especially for those with sensitive skin.


  • Hydrate the Skin

While this step isn’t required, some users find it beneficial to further dampen the face with a hot washcloth for two to three minutes prior. This helps to soften hair follicles for an overall smoother shaving experience.


  • Exfoliate

The process of removing dead skin after cleansing can further help prep your skin for shaving, leaving it in a clean and fresh state. Getting rid of any lingering debris and facial oils can provide a brighter glow that lasts even after shaving. The exfoliation process is also known to help skincare products seep more easily into the skin, lasting longer as a result.

The application of shaving gel or cream is helpful before shaving and is heavily recommended. Even a thin layer of shaving gel or face wash on still-damp skin helps to minimize friction and prevent further irritation or razor cuts.


  • Shave carefully

Shaving improperly can cause dry or itchy skin, and damaged skin from nicking or cutting with the razor head which can also lead to bleeding, and even a five o’clock shadow. The latter typically results from shaving terminal, or thicker hair more frequently.

Though shaving isn’t everyone’s favorite activity, especially for those of us with a lot of excess hair, you should always shave in short, light strokes with a rinse of the razor in between. The razor should be tilted during use on the skin and angled in the direction of hair growth to prevent ingrown hairs. A generally recommended angle is anywhere from 30 to 45 degrees.

If you have severely sensitive skin or common acne breakouts, it is not recommended to shave your facial hair as it can lead to further issues and irritation.


  • Rinse and moisturize

Finally, washing away the leftover hairs that are lingering on the body helps you to appear fresh and cleaner overall. Similar to recommended cleansers, gentle, water-based moisturizers are better for the skin, especially after the process of shaving. You should avoid harsh active ingredients such as retinoids and glycolic acid.

Though there are several theories out there relating the process of shaving to producing thicker, darker hairs as a result, this couldn’t be further from the truth. People often mistake the wispy feeling of unshaven facial or body hair with the slightly blunt feeling of clean-shaven hair as it starts to grow back.

Since this process of hair renewal is different for everyone, it’s best to focus on your hair follicles, especially if you begin to experience any discomfort from ingrown hairs.


What are Alternative Hair Removal Methods?


  • Laser Hair Removal

A more long-lasting, permanent remedy for hair growth, this procedure must be done by a professional in an office. It can also be more on the expensive side for each treatment, but many patients often find the price tag worth it for the longer-lasting results.

The laser used on the body absorbs hair follicles specifically, the pigments in hair attracting the laser beam to them. This treatment is more beneficial for those who have a lot of body or facial hair, that hair being on the darker side. Darker hair strands make it easier for the laser to identify these hairs to absorb and remove them.


  • Waxing

Rather than removing hair from the surface level when shaving, waxing removes hair from the roots underneath the skin. This method lasts longer than shaving but tends to cause more irritation and ingrown hairs than shaving, as you have less control over the process.

A perk to this treatment is that it can be done both at home and in an office. Since many users find waxing to be uncomfortable or painful, it’s often better to leave a skincare professional or aesthetician to complete the process.

Waxing tends to be an option discussed in removing body hair, but it can be more difficult to apply to facial hair. This is because the wax needs to be able to grip the hair to provide the best results.


  • Dermaplaning

Lastly, this cosmetic treatment requires a dermatologist or aesthetician to gently exfoliate the face with a scalpel in an office. Though it sounds intense and painful, it’s a relatively painless procedure, as well as quick and effective in its results. It’s often used for its benefits of removing dead skin cells and unwanted “peach fuzz” or facial hairs, producing softer and brighter skin.

Though its results are not to be argued with, this process can still cause unwanted irritation and inflamed skin, especially for those more prone to acne or sensitive skin. There is also a slight risk of scarring from the procedure if done incorrectly or inefficiently.

Dermaplaning is not to be confused with microdermabrasion, or simply dermabrasion. This non-invasive treatment is capable of removing up to two weeks of dead skin cells, the results lasting up to three weeks. Unlike dermaplaning, microdermabrasion can be done in the comfort of your home. Although, at-home users will only see results in terms of a more intense facial exfoliation. Microdermabrasion is unable to treat the removal of facial hair.


Conclusion : shaving facial hair for women

In general, shaving is a far cheaper, more convenient method of removing unwanted facial or body hair. Between innovative electric razors, disposable razors, and at-home waxing kits or gels, it’s never been easier to become your own, personal aesthetician.

It’s important to remember that whether you’re male or female, shaving facial hair isn’t required, only a personal preference. There haven’t been any concrete medical or skincare benefits to come from shaving facial hair, but rather an increase in self-confidence for each user.